ALTOONA, Pa. — In accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and public health guidelines, wearing face masks and adhering to social distancing practices, including maintaining six feet of physical distance between another person, are critical components in helping to maintain the health and safety of our entire campus community. Students, employees and visitors are required to practice physical distancing and wear face masks/coverings at all times in campus buildings; outdoors when they cannot be physically distant from others; and whenever state or local laws require.
Mask wearing is always encouraged as the best safety precaution, but masks need not be worn outdoors if physical distance is maintained. Students, employees and visitors should remain aware of their surroundings and put on a mask if other individuals are or soon will be within the minimum six feet physical distance. The wearing of masks in high traffic areas is recommended at all times, as continuous physical distancing is unlikely. Examples of high traffic areas include on or around the track at Spring Run Stadium, the campus’s Reflecting Pond, and the academic quad in between classes. All students, employees and visitors should take note of on-campus signage and follow all guidelines and recommendations.
Penn State’s Coronavirus Information website provides links to the latest news and answers to frequently asked questions about the University’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. The site’s resources page also contains links to dedicated resources for students and employees; information on testing, contact tracing and monitoring for the campus community; classroom and office guidance; and policies on masking and social distancing.