My name is Sohail Anwar and I am serving as a Full Professor of Engineering at Penn State Altoona. My research interests include microgrids, renewable energy, energy storage, and green buildings.
I have served as an invited professor of electrical engineering in several universities located in Poland, Malaysia, France, and China. Such professorships have focused on research and training in nanotechnology, energy, and electrical power systems. I have been granted the status of Associate Researcher at the LGCgE Laboratory in France. This laboratory is a prestigious energy and environment research facility.
I edited Nanotechnology for Telecommunications published by Taylor and Francis Group/CRC Press in June 2010. Moreover, I co-edited Advanced Nanoelectronics published by Taylor and Francis Group/CRC Press in December 2012. I also edited Handbook of Research on Solar Energy Systems and Technologies published by IGI Global Press in August 2012. I am serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering & Technology published by Taylor and Francis Group. I co-edited Handbook of Research on Nanoelectronics Sensor Modeling and Applications in 2016.
Currently, I am an editor of the Journal of Electronics and Advanced Electrical Engineering, an associate editor of the Journal of Business & Technology, and I serve on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Energy and Natural Resources. I am also serving as a member of the Organizing Committee for ICEEE 2021, Seoul, South Korea.
I am a Senior Member of IEEE and a member of ASEE and PAS. I have also served as a Commissioner of the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) of ABET. Moreover, I am currently serving as a Member of the University Academic Council of Thomas Edison State University, Trenton, New Jersey.
Research Interests
Research Interests
- Renewable Energy Systems
- Green Building
- Nanotechnology Applications in Energy
- Energy and Sustainability
Research Laboratory Appointment
Affiliate Researcher, LGCgE Laboratory, Nord Pas de Calais region, France, 2016-present.
Invited Professorships
Invited Professor of Electrical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, May 1–18, 2010.
Invited Professor of Nanoelectronics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia, July–August 2011.
Invited Professor of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China, May/June 2009-present.
Sample Recent Publications (Refereed Journals)
Hafeznia, H., A. Aslani, S. Anwar, and M. Yousefjamali. 2017. “Analysis of the effectiveness of national renewable energy policies: A case of photovoltaic policies.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79(2017): pp. 669-680.
Favier, P., L. Zalewski, S. Lassue, & S. Anwar. 2016. “Designing an Automatic Control System for the Improved Functioning of a Solar Wall with Phase Change Material(PCM).” Open Journal of Energy Efficiency 5: pp. 19-29.
Sample Recent Publications (Books)
Ahmadi, M. T., R. Ismail, and S. Anwar (Editors). 2016. Handbook of Research on Nanoelectronic Sensor Modeling & Applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Inc.
Anwar, S. (Editor). 2014. Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering and Technology (2nd Edition). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group.